Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Holi Rhyme

ब्लिंग बैंगढिशुम ठाएँदायें बाएंधुप या छाएंपानी में थोड़ा रंग मिलाएंदिखावों पे न जाएँअपनी अकल लगायेपियें चाहें जितना भीआपा और होश न गवाएंहोली का तयोहारखुशियों से मनाएंआपको हमारीढेरों शुभकामनाये ।On this day characterized by insane colors, Unbelievable antics and adorable theatrics, here wishing you all a really colorful and joyous Holi. Drink...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Plea of an Online Shopper: For Snapdeal

Writing a complaint letter or for that matter any letter is a not an easy. Writing it not only requires that you state the facts. A good letter – or so I believe – should have its fair share of pathos, anger, frustration and above all humor. I was recently asked by a friend of mine to write a letter on his behalf. So drawing upon my experience...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy International Woman's Day

I say Happy International Woman’s Day!They say special days are marketing gimmick created by greeting card companies. I say so what!At least they have given us a day where we could really take some time out to wish…honestly wish women around us and thank them for the power they have given us and for the kid we were, and for the man we are...

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